Saturday, June 13, 2009

What Do They Do the Rest of the Summer?

Today Allison, Cooper, and I went to watch our niece, Natalie, play baseball. Earlier in the week Allison told me that we needed to go this week because it was her last regular season game. One June 13?!? When I played as a kid, we were only half way through the regular season at the beginning of June. Playing baseball was a major part of my summer. As a kid we didn't take vacations because there was a chance that we would have to go out of town for a baseball tournament--in August. Also, they only played 10 games. Now I think that playing 50 or 60 games in one summer is excessive, but 10? I just wonder why there are so few games and why they are finished before the end of June. I would have driven my mom crazy if 2 weeks after school let out for the summer baseball was over. Natalie's league isn't the only one that is this way. I have heard/read other people whose children are finished with baseball already too. Granted, she is not playing on an elite travel team, but neither did I. Does anyone know why many leagues are finished before the end of June and why the only play 10 games? Just curious.

1 comment:

Melanie and Josh said...

strange that I should be commenting, because I played VERY few team sports growing up...but with a gazillion siblings and an athletic husband, I have been a spectator at many question would old is your niece...maybe they are backing off because of the age of the players...or if she is playing for the Y, I noticed that that they aren't SUPER least not when my siblings played...also, could it be from budget constraints? Seems like the bad economy hits everywhere....