Thursday, July 3, 2008

She's a Great Mommy

There are many great thing about my wife. She is a great friend, a great wife, and over the past 19 1/2 months I have realized what a great mom she is. Tonight she was washing her face and she looked at me and said "I am going to wash my face and then go rock Cooper." This may seem unusual to many of you because you know that we have been adamant about not rocking him to sleep and doing other things that we felt would make life harder on him and us in the long run. However, sometimes she gets an itch to go in and just hold him or rock him while he sleeps. Well she had been in his room for about an hour and I went to check on them, knowing I would find both of them asleep. To my surprise, Cooper was in his bed and she was asleep in the glider next to him. I asked her what she was doing and she said "resting." I just love the fact that she just wants to be near Cooper. There are so many children in this country, and others, whose parent couldn't care less about them. I am so thankful that Allison cares so much for that little boy that she would just want to "rest" in a chair next to his bed. Until next time...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thats a really sweet post Jeremy!!!I know Allison is a great mommy!!!